One of my favorite places to visit on field trips (and with my oldest sister) when I was younger was the planetarium. I enjoy astronomy and the like and as a kid, the planetarium was a pretty cool place to me. While other students may have grumbled I secretly rejoiced. The planetarium stadium would get eerily dark, much like a movie theatre, and then it would suddenly light up with billions of dot like lights. Oh wow. An all knowing narrator would point out constallations and milky ways and the hemispheres would rotate to show different planetary formations. I recently read a book about the planets, aptly and simply named, "The Planets" that I luckily found at the dollar store, and it broke down the characteristics of each planet and it's surround atmosphere, but I was only met with blank stares, glazed over eyes and uninterested "reallys..." when I tried to share all of it's magnificent info. Ah well....
So when I saw the glittery black glass that I used in these rings, that's what I thought of -- the beautiful night sky and mysterious nature of the heavens. I peeped these gems out at the store for quite awhile before I finally bought them and was very pleased with how the rings came out. The outside setting can be made in almost any color. The gold one really doesn't fall into the Astronomy Obsession category, but I think it's still pretty cool.
As I was sitting with my sister, my unofficial intern, at an event where I was set up to sell my jewelry, I was telling her about these rings and my inspiration behind them.
Me (with excitement): See, the black glittery part reminds me of the night sky because I love the planetarium and ....
Sister (interrupting and dripping with just enough disdain): And when was the last time you went to the planetarium....?
Sure....it's been awhile...and I maybe I should have used the past tense, but the point was - I want the wearer of this ring to get lost in the beauty of another world not found here on earth. A quiet place for reflection and an appreciation for natural beauty when they're lost in the reality of a cubicle or in traffic. Even if they're just reflecting on fond memories from yesterday...