Sunday, March 22, 2009

New Rings, New Format (Beta)

I'm fighting a massive headache right now that's forcing me to type with only one eye open so any spelling or similar mistakes you may see, or general incoherentness, please accept my advanced apologies.
The above are pics of some new rings I've made. I wanted to take single pics of each item, but this method was waaaaaayyyyyy faster and hopefully more user friendly to folks who want to purchase. There are the pictures and the price and that's all she wrote folks. Some of the $5 rings show duplicate photos, but it's really only one each of what you see.
I'm going to try to always come up with more ways to make the site more creative and user friendly to those who want to buy or just stroll the aisles - both are equally awesome to me, and I will be putting some items on artfire soon. There's so much more I wanted to post and discuss this weekend, but unfortunately, time slipped away from me.
I am working on some necklaces right now and I've got so many ideas for "creations" ("products" sounds so corporate america), I can't collect my ideas fast enough before another comes.
But right now, as I type this through one eye open and the left side of my face feeling like it's been bashed in by an invisible force, I bid you good night and good 'morrow. Deuces.

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