I've been super lax in posting new items because I've been making new items and I've just gotten busy. After I take the pictures for everything I also have to crop them and resave them and I can go on and on about what needs to be done, but I guess I'll just do it! The down side of not posting items "timely" is that many items get sold before I can show them off to the public. However, I am also working on a print catalog so that people can view all items as well as request items that are "similarly reproduceable." Of course, if you see an item here that you like just convo me to find out if it is one of a kind or reproduceable. Is reproduceable a word? Now it sounds funny....hmmmm...may have to look that one up.
I also want to add that, about 95 percent of my pics for this last batch of items I made came out very nicely (see earlier posts where I complain about bad photography). Yay! I'm getting better, on the cropping as well! Now if I could figure out BlogSpot's sometime erratic formatting...
Until then....
Please enjoy these oversized metal rings (half of which are sold, unfortunately and one of which I kept for myself b/c even I like to enjoy the fruits of my labor. Many of these can be "similarly reproduced" if you're interested... I love how colorful all of these are, and all have been sold with the exception of about 2.
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